Monday, November 19, 2007

----- Original Message -----
To: John Wilson
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: Australia's "2nd Amendment"

Dear John, your stickers have arrived thank you.
The definition you give below, will be allright, if that is upheld by a Jury, who throws out John Howard's gun laws. But today people are still being raided and having weapons (both registered and unregistered) confiscated (read STOLEN). The only rights you have are the ones being upheld - you do not have those that are being trampled on; and once trampled on, how do you get them back. Remember, when you go to court, the judge/magistrate orders the sheriff or police officer to throw you out, or detain you, and they do so by the power of the gun. The only way to oppose the gun, is with a gun. That's why they took them away - they know that too. How about Maryland, forcibly injecting the children and throwing the parents who object in jail? Isn't it time to fight?

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